Wednesday, February 13, 2013

US Expand Its Trade Allies

United States (U.S.) to expand its trade allies continues. This time, U.S. President Barack Obama reportedly will soon hold a meeting to discuss trade agreement with the European Union that would create the world's biggest economic relations. At the same time, Obama is also finalizing discussions for the Pacific trade deal.

"Trade fair and free across the Atlantic would support millions of workers in America," said Obama yesterday (12/2). It is the largest commitment to Obama in negotiations with the EU.

Negotiations with the European Union's 27 countries are expected to help Obama in reaching the target, namely to increase exports as much as double by the end of 2014. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has not specify exactly when trade negotiations with the European Union will begin.

British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed Obama's remarks. "To pass the challenge of trade agreements should be conducted in a comprehensive and hard work from both sides. However I will use my influence as head of the G-8 to help the achievement of the US-European trade agreement in the future," Cameron said in a statement emailed to Bloomberg on the day this.


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